VI. PICTURE ALBUM ISSUE: There was great interest in the last picture album issue that we brought out and I'll be happy to do

VII. ADVICE COLUMN: Due to many requests for information and advice plus the fact that "Instruction" articles rank high in the preference poll I have decided to try to run a "Dear Ginny" column as often as enough requests accumulate to make a couple of pages of ques- tions and answers. So if you want to throw something at me, write the question on a separate sheet of paper and mark it for "Dear Ginny". The separate sheet is so that Mary can give that to me for answering without having it involved in problems relating to orders, or just friendly chit chat. We'll see what comes of this idea.


NEW BOOK RESPONSE: In TVia No. 63 I announced that I had about completed work on my book, “HOW TO BE A WOMAN THOUGH MALE." Maybe because it was at the tail end of the issue you didn't read it. But I asked there for any suggestions for areas to be covered to be sure that there wasn't some area I'd overlooked. As of Nov. 1, I had received NO comment about this book at all which is a little surprising in view of the often expressed interest in "How To" articles. So if you have suggestions I would appreciate getting them promptly.


MORE TRAVELS: Events don't let me stay home too long. Now I have another trip coming up. I've been asked to take part in a symposium on Human Sexuality in Minnesota, January 27th. I have also been asked to have a seminar with the Dept. of Psychiatry at Washington University in St. Louis about Feb. 16.

On the way to Minneapolis I hope to arrange stops in San Francisco, Salt Lake City and Denver. In between the dates I hope to make Madi- son, Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, and Bloomington, Ind. After St. Louis I may get to Houston and Dallas if Sally can arrange things down thataway. So if any of you know of programs, medical groups or other places along this route that would be interested in a talk, let me know.

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